Get INSTANT ACCESS to this complete training system including: a step-by-step workbook, lesson guide, worksheets, audios, and more…RIGHT NOW!

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“Everyday People Are Making Money As a Brand.
Why Not You? It’s Time to Cash-In on Your Well-Earned
Experience, Knowledge and Expertise!”
Tuesday: 8:37amFrom: Small Business Brand Creation Mentor Kim Castle, Los Angeles, California
To: Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, Micro Business Owner, SolopreneurSo there’s this little voice inside you telling you that you have what it takes to develop and grow a successful business. You just know it. Okay, so the voice is not that little. Sometimes it’s so loud it aches.

And you know that you have something special to offer people—products and services that, if people only knew how amazing they were, their lives would be forever changed. (Even if you’re not 100% convinced you know what you’ve got is really good.) If only you had a way to communicate it so that people “got it” immediately, you know they’d buy it. If only you had a way to reach deep down inside yourself and grab hold of the business gem that’s there waiting to be shared with the world.

After all you spent your entire life learning something, developing a real expertise. Now, at last…you’re finally good at it.

BU - happy_woman_laptop BP sales page In addition, you:

    • Have that white-hot burning desire that Napoleon Hill writes about in Think and Grow Rich. You have a yearning to do good and change peoples’ lives. But not enough is happening fast enough.
    • Attended the tele-seminars. You’ve studied marketing. You did what “they” told you to do. You made a product. You got a website. You gambled on Google Adwords and watched your account drain faster than a roulette table. And…you don’t have the REAL RESULTS you expected to show for it.
  • Read all “the books.” You’ve listened to all “the programs.” You’ve joined the coaching programs and the masterminds and given them your all. None of it had much of an impact—at least none that made a lasting change in the way you operate your business.

And most of all you… are not experiencing the joy and the financial success you want from the business you dream about. Customers are simply not banging down your door. And he truth is…you’re FAR away from being in “financial flow.”

And you’re back at this place again?!

How in the world is it possible that so much money went out and so little came in? In fact, odds are that you’re sitting at your desk now, reading this, wondering why, no matter what you say, people just don’t get why your business IS truly different.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageI’m SO glad you’re here…

You see, among the hundreds of coaches and mentors out there calling themselves so-called “brand experts”, only a handful have REAL HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE —and I’m honored to be recognized as one of the few…

Hi. BU - Kim & Vito professional snap shotI’m Kim Castle, co-creator of the business development system, BrandU®, often dubbed the E-myth® for a new generation of business. Many of you already know me as an international speaker and business columnist, who’s been featured on CNN Headline News, Yahoo Small Business, and more.

For over 20 years, my partner W. Vito Montone, and I have been working alongside Fortune 500 companies as well as guiding small business owners and entrepreneurs to grow beyond the confusion of possibility, giving them the exact steps they need to turn their business ideas into million dollar…even multi-million dollar brands.

We incorporated our award-winning boutique advertising business business back in 1991. We designed, developed and implemented materials for small business and big business alike. Before we knew it we were working alongside Fortune 500 companies like IBM, Domino’s, Coca-Cola, Wolfgang Puck, Disney, DirecTV, M&Ms, and many others, as well as maintaining a steady roster of small business clients, our real love. We’ve had our hands on products grossing over $100 million dollars. We’ve worked on everything from award-winning logo and packaging design, to websites, to movie posters, to award-winning interactive websites, to TV shows. We even created a live 3-day 3D virtual event!

BrandU was created in 2003 after we nearly killed ourselves working on a groundbreaking project for a Fortune 500 company with a million-dollar license for a well-known, beloved brand. The big company loved the idea but said it was too big for them to do it. Not for us! We worked 18-hour days, 7 days a week, 12 months non-stop. The project was amazingly in every way, thanks to our team of 70 people all around the world. Needless to say, the “big brand” was blown away. We pulled off what they couldn’t. Long story short…despite it’s huge success…it left us $500K in debt and personally and emotionally devastated.

The idea for this one-of-a-kind brand-creation system came to us on a Friday night. We declared that no entrepreneur should ever have to experience the pain and the loss that we had just gone through. So we traced back what made the project so successful, and what made it NOT so successful so that we could share it with entrepreneurs like you.

Forty-five days later, we conducted our first sold-out workshop and sold a book at the event for $500 dollars that wasn’t even written yet. Our business doubled every six months, and 36 months later grossed $3.2 million dollars. You could say we were on a mission.

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BU - roar BP sales pageDon’t just follow the crowd…lead!

Over the past decade I’m honored to have been featured in Yahoo Small Business, CNN, Fox, NBC; and countless books and magazines and I was nominated for the Los Angeles Business Journal’s Women Making a Difference Award.

I’m even MORE honored to say that have we have reached over 30,000 small business owners worldwide, with nearly 9,000 of them going through one of our many various programs: from phone to in-person, private VIP days, live intensives, to various forms of group training and coaching, helping them grow their businesses, gain stability, and full self-expression in their lives.

Throughout that time, we’ve always kept my ear close to the ground to LISTEN to what business owners like YOU need and want, when it comes to SUPPORT with moving your business forward and increasing your income.

Short of having a large branding agency at your beckon call, here’s the winning combination that we’ve discovered—the format that will help YOU finally achieve your brand development goals.

Well, get ready, because you now have the opportunity to get ALL of these components in one unique program. After years of testing this our brand creation process with hundreds of business owners in businesses of all sizes, we’ve put it ALL together into this one-of-a-kind system that can be used again and again! One that YOU can participate in and benefit from, no matter where you are in the world, and no matter what your business is.

For your BEST brand success, you need an ideal training program combining:

  • A complete step-by-step system for defining and communicating your business, with SOLID strategies that work
  • Ongoing support for at least an entire year with a PROVEN experts by your side
  • Visual, “how-to” training VIDEOS—so you can SEE what to do, step by step
  • Easy to follow steps and worksheets that WALK YOU THROUGH each step of the way
  • Hands-on application—knowledge means nothing without REAL APPLICATION
  • And something physical that you can walk away and use immediately to make decisions and guide your team
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Brand Power™ is your unique opportunity to receive a reusable brand development process handed to you in easy-to-implement lessons. You’ll learn the most proven strategies, tools, and tactics that we have used with hundreds of clients large and small and us and my clients dramatically increase our reach and revenues. Best of all, Brand Power was created for busy entrepreneurs—the curriculum is designed to help you grow your business as large or as small and as fast or as slow as you want.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageBU - #1_burgandy BP sales pageWant to know why your marketing efforts are not working today?

Finding new buying customers is the #1 challenge for entrepreneurs, micro-businesses and sole proprietors today even though it’s never been easier to reach new customers. Did you know there are over 2,400,000,000 people connected on the Internet at your fingertips? The trick is getting them to pay attention to you—heck even notice your business exists!

Marketing today is made more complicated today because:

  • The adult average attention span is 9 seconds with meteoric rise in demands on dwindling focus…
  • 1971 a person saw on average 560 advertising messages in a single day, today a person witnesses 1,000’s every single day…
  • Meteoric rise in prosumer movement (aka do-it-yourself) since the 1980’s there’s this little seed planted in the mind of your customers that they can do ANYTHINg, including what you sell themselves—even though they never get around to it…
  • Even more challenging, your prospects don’t trust what you’re selling or how you’re selling it—don’t take it personally. They don’t trust anyone anymore!
  • It doesn’t take rocket-science to see what’s it’s so difficult today.
  • GOOD NEWS FOR YOU, there’s something permanent you can do to solve this.

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BU - brand_under_magglass BP sales pageFinally, you can STOP wondering why and do something REAL about it!

  • Marketing as a brand is proven as the most sticky and likely way tocreate customer loyalty…
  • Brands on average commands 87% higher recognition in the marketplace…
  • A brand Is the most sustainable competitive advantage any business can have…

The sad thing is that typical agency brand development can cost $250,000 to over $2,000,000. And most so-called “brand” experts today come to the brand bandwagon as marketers or opportunists “simply jumping on this hot trend.” Little have real world brand-building experience. Sadly still, often from this vantage point they tell their clients what their brand “should” be or mold a business from an external position opinion. Please don’t let this happen to you!

A real brand comes from the inside of the business with clarity and power of purpose within the business creator themselves…that means YOU!

And now you have a complete and proven brand creation program to increase your business and income this year! And finally you don’t need to be overwhelmed with all the brand communication choices out there, and instead just follow our steps to success, stress free, with our support all year long.

BrandU was created for busy entrepreneurs who are “real people” —like you. Our 13-lesson curriculum is designed to help you develop your business brand in as little as 4 days!

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageThe response has been humbling!

Here’s just a few of the comments our BrandU members have shared about the program.

BU - Ali Brown (standard size) BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenAfter going through your processes, I no longer compare myself to anyone else. Thanks to the immense clarity I have gained in my business with BrandU,I’ve been able to surpass one million dollars this year! BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote

Ali Brown, Ali International

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI gained enormous insight into the systematic creation of a brand for our new business—how rewarding! It gave us great focus and clarity for taking our business forward.”

Dave Keyston, The Luminous Factor, Carmel, CA

BU - Dave Keyston Testimonial Picture

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenNot only did I build a powerful brand, I solidified the vision and passion behind my business. I see the structure and future potential. Kim and Vito are an amazing force of nature!”

Carole Hodges, The YES Connection, Los Angeles, CA

BU - Carole Hodges Testimonial Picture

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenBefore I participated in the Brand Power intensive, I was stuck, as I tried to finish my book on health care reform. Thanks to Kim and Vito, I gained great clarity about my book, as well as the perfect title and information I needed to work effectively with graphic designers and copywriters. You can’t miss with the BrandU business building system!”

Karen Duncan, Author, Unconventional Choices for Health Care, San Francisco, CA

BU - Testi Pix Karen Duncan

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI’ve been doing Personal Development and similar workshops for nearly 30 years now. And I am currently working through Brand Power and this is one of, if not the, most powerful processes I’ve done – and I’ve only just completed Lesson 5. I was all over the shop with my business ideas and direction and so unable to take the next step to actually make money. But these first five lessons have given me such simplicity and clarity. It’s so exciting. Thank you so much. ”

Kashonia Carnegie, PHD, KashoniaToday, Queensland, AU

BU - Testi Pix Kashonia Carnegie

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI am convinced of the value of the programs you have designed to help entrepreneurs like me succeed. I spent three years earning my MBA and nothing I studied came close to having the practical impact on the way I do business that Brand Power is having.”

Jan Whitted,, Cambridge, MA

BU - Testi Pix Jan Whitted

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So exactly who is Brand Power for?

Brand Power was created to deliver brand development & communication that will work for YOUR type of business—no matter what field you are in. And you’re in good company… our thousands of members from around the world come from a variety of industries, which makes for a robust members forum that is rich with fresh ideas being exchanged on a continual basis.

We’ve had members join from most every type of industry you can think of (and some you may never have thought of!), including:

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  • Authors & Speakers
  • Life Coaches
  • Business Consultants
  • Holistic Coaches
  • Energy Healers
  • Software Designers
  • Dog Walkers
  • Chiropractors
  • Florists
  • Bloggers
  • Jewelry Designers
  • Financial Planners
  • Copywriters
  • Interior Designers
  • Professional Organizers
  • Law of Attraction Coaches
  • Real Estate Professionals
  • Event Planners
  • Sales Experts
  • Network Marketers
  • Marriage Counselors
  • Spa Owners
  • Publishers
  • Raw Food Experts
  • Interior Decorators
  • Researchers
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Image Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Nutritionists
  • Health Coaches
  • Skin Care Product Creators
  • Psychics
  • Tour Guides
  • Executive Coaches
  • And many others!
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Generate massive exposure of the RIGHT customers…
Here are a FEW examples of the stellar results our members have created with our strategies and guidance:

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenAs a business owner, I thought that if I had an eye-catching logo, and snazzy phrase, or a unique product, then I could grab the world by its tail. When I talked about my business it felt like I was talking from my head and not from my heart. Honestly, this was the most important step I have ever taken for my business. And things changed immediately. Not only in how I talked to people but how they respond to me. Thank you, Kim and Vito.”

Marion Owen, Galley Gourmet, Kodiak Island, Alaska

BU - Marion Owen Testimonial Picture

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenAlthough we were highly successful life and relationship coaches before going through BrandU, we were scattered in nearly every area of our business. We had so many different products out… we even had three different business names. It was confusing! The BrandU branding process helped us to get clear about what was important to us and our business. The process is so simple and yet so powerful! It helped us get extremely clear. As a result of going through the process we now know what we are all about and are able to clearly articulate it.”

Susie and Otto Collins, Passionate Heart

BU - Susie and Otto Collins Testimonial Picture

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenThe Brandu Brand Power process with Kim and Vito was an incredible 4-day transformational journey. It was both timeless and priceless! I moved from passion with fuzziness about my new-forming business…to an amazing clarity… to the birth of my new brand! I wholeheartedly recommend this process to you, whatever your business may be…whenever you are ready to give yourself the gift of the guidance and support of this dynamic duo.”

Mary Denaro, Clear Soul Connection-Live Your Sparkle!™, Nieuwkoop, Netherlands

BU - Testi Pix Mary Denaro

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenBrand Power Home version is one of the wildest rides I’ve ever taken. When I trusted the process and completed the exercises as they were presented—my business came alive before my very eyes.

The genius of this program may actually lie in the fact that you can’t really see how things are coming together until the final exercise.I know what I do is valuable, but I have always struggled with capturing my uniqueness and then conveying what I do in “people-speak” so that others could see how valuable it was too. My business is now a living and breathing being. I am completely in love with it and can’t wait to share it with the world.”

Lisa Lavoie, Vitasential, Ottawa, Ontario

BU - Testi Pix Lisa Lavoie
This program covers ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING we have to share regarding developing, leading, and growing a reliably profitable brand that gives you HUGE leverage in your business and what you can charge. Some would even say it gives you an UNFAIR advantage over others in your industry, but all we know is what we’re sharing really works.

In Brand Power™, not only do we share the specific brand development steps we use to guide our multi-thousand dollar clients; we also give you “behind the scenes” access to us working with entrepreneurs, and step-by-step lessons that break down each step so that they’re easy to do. We give you the background from our in-the-trenches experience, AND we give you 24/7 access to a brain trust of support for the process. It’s truly the EXACT steps to developing a brand today.

We know you’re eager to learn exactly what is covered in Brand Power™. But first let’s take a look at the science behind this process.

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BU - filmstrip - BP sales pageA successful brand is like a successful movie. Nothing’s left to chance…

A great brand is a great story brought to life experientially. LIke a movie. Effective brand-driven marketing generates massive exposure and an endless pool of dedicated customers. A well crafted and tended to brand makes you money like a well-oiled machine, dependably and automatically. And the most effective well-told campaigns are not only creative, they’re also crafted with science.

As a trained story consultant for the entertainment industry, Vito learned the insider secrets for making a movie a lasting money-making success…and what made it flop! He even worked at Disney learning their secret sauce from the inside!

Did you think Disney’s repeated success is an accident?! Oh no! There’s an actual real science behind everything Disney does. That right there is a tangible science behind the movies that become a part of our lives. Vito became obsessed with discovering how this science translates to a successful brand. After all, a brand, in its essence, is a well-told experience wrapped in a revenue bow! To understand it, we needed to know how the human mind solves a problem, hence how it feels a story.

He learned that when you bring anything into existence—whether it’s a movie, a new product or business, or a marketing campaign—what is critical to its success is that you stand on ground where nothing is assumed and it is balanced in harmony with how human beings operate. He then poured his learning into a science called Unified Conscious Development™ which is behind every step you’ll take in this program.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageBU - nest-gold-egg BP sales pageDeveloping A Brand Can Change Your Whole Life…

Imagine developing a powerful logo that’s uniquely right for you! Or naming a product or business that you’ve been struggling with for a long time! Or creating a unique rich experience through your products and services and seen online and through social media that people can’t help but want to learn more about it—they can’t put their finger on why…they just FEEL it!

You’ll not only think about working in a new, smarter way, but you’ll also have our simple system to refer to again and again for as many products or businesses that you want, so you can create profitable, high-quality products that consistently attract rave reviews from the people that matter most—your ideal customers. That doesn’t mean you won’t have a few flops but your business will be working so well that they won’t matter!

With Brand Power™, you’ll finally start to see how you can create product after product to build a lifelong stream of income. Trust us when we say that you’ll be BLOWN AWAY by how simple we will make it to leverage your knowledge for profits.

So let’s get to the real juicy stuff… 

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageHere’s How You’ll Develop Your Brand…

Step 1

BU - laserIdentify with Laser Clarity What You’re Really Selling

You’ll be dumbfounded just how illuminating this powerful simple step will be for you.

  • You’ll release all the baggage and confusion that currently weigh you down regarding communicating what you offer your clients.
  • With a simple process you’ll remove all the clutter of what you’re NOT selling to reveal the gem.
  • You’ll learn how to determine what you’re branding, whether it’s an umbrella, a division, or a specific product.
  • Like it or not, what people think about you always precedes you, so here’s how to design a perception that accurately portrays you in a positive way: who you really are, how you work, who you work with, and the power of what you offer.

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BU - realpowerStep 2Uncover the REAL Power Behind Your Uniqueness

Without knowing this, you’re wasting time, money, and energy running away.

  • You’ll learn why your business’s uniqueness is not where you think it is. You may be surprised that you’re leaving most of it untapped. Once you understand what is really driving it, your brand’s perceived value will improve quickly.
  • We’ll share with you the vital unspoken factor that most influences your prospects to buy from you, and how to not mismanage it.
  • We’ll teach you how to position yourself so well that no one questions what you charge and customers will line up to buy from you. (This is the best part—you don’t have to “sell” them! They decide on their own.)

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BU - woman_meditating - BP sales pageStep 3

Reveal the Source that Propels You Forward

With this in place, everything you go through to develop and grow your business gets easier.

  • Growing and leading your own business is tough. Everything and everyone relies on your leadership. You have a resource that, once you tap into it, will ensure that you keep moving through the tough stuff, and you’ll enjoy the successes that much more.
  • Revenue advances are not created by playing small and taking baby steps. They are created by making bold changes in how you communicate your business, how you position yourself, and how you sell what you offer.
  • Learn why you must be ready for chaos, uncertainty, and fast changes if you’re going to develop a multi-million dollar brand. Don’t worry—it’s just part of the game. You’ll develop the skill to actually surf the flux and enjoy it.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageStep 4

BU - connectConnect Your Business For Greater Profits

This one may be a bit scary for you but oh so important— especially in today’s unstable business environment!

  • Today, in order to develop a reliable business you must be connected to something bigger than mere revenue alone. You’ll be surprised by how you show up in your business once you discover what it is for you.
  • We’ll show you the biggest mistake most small business owners make when developing their business, that shoots them in the foot and prevents them from bringing in the money they want. What we recommend may likely go against much of what you learned in business school or from other so-called “business programs.”

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Step 5

CreateBU - Step 5 Powerful Filter Brand Statement sales page a Powerful Filter That Informs Your Every Decision and Insures Each Step is On Brand 

This invaluable tool that will save you thousands of dollars, and massive amounts of time and energy perspective.

  • Using a simple and proven template you will easily and assemble the work you have accomplish thus far in the program into format that will serve you in every single step you take in your brand from this moment on.
  • You learn how using this result is vital to your brand’s DNA.
  • You’ll be amazed at the operational power you have as a result of having this at your fingertips at all times.
  • With this completed you can proceed to develop your brand’s external communication.

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BU - firstimpressionStep 6

Create a Clear Instant First Impression

This is happening whether you know it or not—it’s much better to command it.

  • Using a widely recognized process used by psychologists, you will bring an inanimate thing such as a business or a product to life. (This is how you’re brand is “in the room” before you are.)
  • You’ll learn how to use media like movies, books, music, and magazines to save money when working with a graphic designer or anyone else you hire to communicate your brand.
  • We’ll teach you to identify precise words that communicate your brand’s first impression well.
  • This enables you to gain your prospect’s attention allowing the rest of your brand communication to do it’s job.

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BU - megaphone BP sales pageStep 7

Choose the Right Language that Communicates Your Uniqueness and Makes Creating the Right Name, Tagline and Product Copy a Breeze

This section alone is worth its weight in gold when it comes to naming your products, books, blogs, and all copywriting projects!

  • Most business owners fumble and guess at the right words for communicating their business. They scratch their heads and wonder why why their message rarely has the impact they want.
  • This step also ensures that you have a clear guide for your logo, your packaging, your total brand experience. (This step is one of, if not the most, powerful steps in the entire brand creation process.)
  • Discover how to ensure that customers AND prospects consistently talk about your brand. Once you learn this step you will be amazed at how powerful this piece is. This alone will set your business apart from 98% of ALL businesses out there.
  • Develop an emotionally-rich marketing statement that transports your prospects into a buying relationship with you.

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BU - Step 8 lasting impression BP sales pageStep 8

Determine Your Lasting Impression

This section alone will be your guide in all your non verbal brand communication—including but not not limited to: logo, websites, packaging, video/media development, live events, music, and product creation!

  • Identify the precise words to define your entire brand’s visual and experiential presence.
  • Follow a clear guide for your logo, your packaging, your total brand experience.
  • Develop a powerful tool so that you can clearly communicate to ANY graphic designer what your logo should be—and how to guide them so that you actually get it.
  • Feel the exhilaration of knowing you command how your prospects and customer’s experience your brand. This result pleasantly surprises our members. (We get emails years after they’ve completed this process with us.

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BU - yourcompanylogo - BP sales pageStep 9

Develop the RIGHT Logo, Book Jacket, Website or Packaging

This section alone will save you THOUSANDS of dollars and hours of frustration!

  • Identify your powerful and unspoken image base that will guide your entire brand look and feel This step goes back to when man learned he could communicate with others.
  • Learn the BIG difference between a mediocre logo and a great one. You’ll learn what your logo should and shouldn’t do.
  • Develop a powerful tool so that you can clearly communicate to ANY graphic designer what your logo should be—and how to guide them so that you actually get it.
  • BONUS: 10 Things to Look For When it Comes to Hiring a Designer walks you through a simple and thorough checklist so that you don’t waste time, energy, or money.

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BU - pantone_chart - BP sales pageStep 10

Chose the RIGHT Colors for Your Brand

WARNING: This may be the hardest concept to accept.

  • Know what you should NEVER do when it comes to selecting colors for your brand.
  • Learn the vital role colors play in your brand—and how to maximize their value in everything you do.
  • Discover how colors represent different things in different countries. Use the wrong color and the results can be devastating. You’ll have at your fingertips a handy at-a-glance reference guide for colors around the world.

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Step 11
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Create an Evocative Mouth-watering Marketing Statement

You’ll amaze yourself with the marketing copy that you’ll develop in this section.—even if you’ve never considered yourself a good writer.

  • Following a simple formula you’ll assemble an agency quality marketing-rich paragraph that you’ll be able to use in a variety of places to paint an emotional reason why people would want to engage with your brand.
  • Once you have this formula perfected, you’ll be able to expand your use of it in a variety of long-form and short form uses.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageStep 12

BU - Step 12 Name & Tagline - Brand Power Sales pageCraft Your Name and Tagline with the Skill of an Expensive Well-paid Expert

You’ll blow yourself away with your ability to craft clear, concise, and catchy names and taglines that fully expresses the business of your dreams.

  • Following a proprietary formula you’ll feel empowered to develop your own business name and tagline that rivals any richly-paid agency writer who specializes in this skill.
  • Learn a powerful process for developing a custom tagline that’s RIGHT for you. Customers will think you paid thousands to a branding agency.
  • Learn the equation for how your name and tagline MUST work together in order to make the right impact.
  • This process also applies to book titles and sub-headline, products, newsletters, blogs, TV shows, events, you name it.

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Step 13

Develop a Consistent Brand Experience

Simply knowing who your business is at the core means little if you don’t carry it throughout your entire experience.

  • Immediately apply your brand results following a simple formula for developing a consist brand experience.
  • Develop your BRAND PROMISE and know how to weave it through every step you take form this moment on.
  • Bring your brand to life by developing the “experience” of it using your unique brand rules. You’ll be using this particular process for the rest of your business because it makes everything you do in your business creative, fun, and reliable.
  • Develop a tool that you will use with every single person you partner with or hire to communicate your brand. You’ll even know how to focus on what section with each specific vendor you hire—from copywriting, to graphic design, to architect, to composer, to PR to beyond.

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By the end of these 13 powerful brand development steps in addition to having the solid brand communication,
you’ll be able to…

Effortlessly Lead Your Entire Team withBU - woman leaderComplete and Total Alignment

You’ll wonder how you ever got along in your business without this.

  • Guide team members and vendors alike to communicate with consistency and clarity of your brand by giving them a set of brand rules to follow. You will check their work using the same tool. This gives you a definitive ruler in which to measure their work for your brand.
  • Save time, money and frustration in determining how to get EXACTLY what you need for your brand’s experience; whether it’s logo or graphic design, website architecture, copywriting, video, music, articles, blogs, PR, and more!
BU - Bonus_icon.png  PLUS, there’s even a bonus support section that includes; How to Hire A Designer, and Protecting Your Brand.

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BU - BU_bible_image - BP sales pageAt the end of the process, you walk away with…
The creation of your own unique brand bible™.
You will use this invaluable resource to guide your team for years to come. 





BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageIt’s real brand development, in the comfort of your own home or office, at a FRACTION of the cost.

BU - Elaine Wilson Testimonial BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote Open My business increased 50% in just five months! My focus is just like a laser now. The focus and clarity I received…it’s beyond what I could even imagine. BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote

Elaine Wilson, Gardens By Design, Los Angeles,CA

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenMy life is going in so many directions right now, with my new books coming out and my consulting business expanding so rapidly. Each session with Kim & Vito gave me specific insights that greatly impacted my business plans. I went in looking for creative ways to expand my markets and to learn how to utilize some of the newer “techno” tools, but actually received so much more. I was reminded to understand all of the aspects of my business and got several innovative new ways to communicate with prospective clients to show them how I can help them. Well worth every minute and dollar I spent.”

Ruth Klein The Marketing Time Source, Los Angeles, CA

BU - Testimonial Ruth Klein

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenKim and Vito and the whole BrandU process has taught me what it really means to build your business big from the start. And then you grow into it. The magic really happens when you’re going through the processes. When you trust them to guide you everything become so much clearer. The results we came to are better then I could have ever imagined. My original business name was too small, even though I didn’t know it. I found it out going through the process. I came out the other end with a name, a tagline, and marketing statement that now represents my full business possibility. It has given me extreme clarity. It helps me make decisions on what I do and don’t do. Kim and Vito have put so much work into this amazing program.”

Geoffrey Fullerton, Expressive Fusion, Toronto Canada

BU - Geoffrey Fullerton Testimonial Picture

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageHere’s everything you’ll get with Brand Power™:

BrandU™ Bible Workbook

This illuminating full-color workbook walks you through the entire 8-part Integral brand creation process. This new edition takes the guided instruction into much greater detail. It’s more than doubled in size! It also includes topics such as how to hire a designer, how to protect your brand, creating a customer experience (NEW), and a special section that you will use to guide your team.

BU - Brand Power Workbook 3D (136 x 180)
BRAND POWER™ Lesson Guide

This full-color guide breaks the entire process into 13 easy-to-follow lessons. Used in conjunction with the BRAND POWER™ audio series, this detailed lesson guide makes sure you know exactly what to do at all times, so that you stay on track and develop your unique brand effectively.

BU - Brand Power Lesson Guide 3D (123 x 180)
BRAND POWER™ Digital Audio

This 12-CD audio series gives you inside access to the process as you listen to Kim and Vito work directly with entrepreneurs from around the world through each part of the process. They also give you a behind-the-scenes insider commentary of crucial insights at each and every step.

BU - Brand Power Audio CDs 3D (261 x 150)

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PLUS, You’ll Enjoy These Bonuses:

BU - Bonus_icon.png Immediate Access Online
With your purchase, you have access to the entire Brand Power program online in a password protected, MEMBERS ONLY website.
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BU - Bonus_icon.png BrandU Virtual Classroom (Brand Power)
Each step of the revolutionary Brand Power process is explained in great detail by BrandU co-creators Kim Castle and W. Vito Montone in this informative and upbeat video series. You will will learn tips and strategies on how to begin each lesson as well as how to apply each step to your specific situation. These videos are usually reserved for members who have purchased the entire Business Profit System or who are enrolled in our Interprise™ Business Incubator.
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Analysts estimate that American consumers buy about a billion compact discs (CDs) every year, most which eventually end up in landfills or incinerators. Sad but true! CDs don’t easily break down and are not biodegradable, so they won’t break down in landfills. Not too mentions the amount of trees that are chopped down to produce the paper that books are printed on—that also end up in landfills.BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageAnd best of all, you have INSTANT access to the entire program without causing impact to our environment.BU - eco-friendly - BP sales page
Sure it’s exciting to receive that box of binders, CDS, and books, but in truth after the excitement wears off it usually ends up collecting dust on your desk or worse…closed on your bookshelf. In addition to the needless waste, we want to make sure that you actually use this program and apply your brand results immediately so that you can get to real revenues fast!

That’s why we deliver the entire Brand Power program 100% online. No more worrying about leaving your workbook at the restaurant or a CD in your car. This resource is at your fingertips and available day or night whenever you want it.

PLEASE NOTE: If you like the feel of turning pages and the smell of paper, you can get still the physical program for a materials cost. You’ll see that option available in the shopping cart.

BU - salesPage_section_divider BP sales pageThat means you can get started online today for real results fast…BU - dollar_mouse - BP sales page

Quite frankly, the kind of money you can make as a result of your business is truly up to you. It depends on your lifestyle goals, your vision, your experience and level of expertise, how much of a track record you already have in your business, and your reputation. However, don’t let a lack of knowledge or experience stop you from setting large financial goals. If you’re new, you’ll just need a longer ramp-up time than those who are already running a strong business.

Some of our members are content with making a few hundred thousand dollars a year in their business, and that’s great. They want to keep their business simple and not get into the headaches of building a team, hiring employees, etc. Then there are some who desire to truly create wealth for themselves and design their brand to generate large revenues quickly. It’s totally up to you, and our programs will help you no matter what level you want to take your business to.

Our members who decide to grow their businesses by developing their brand or several brands nearly always experience an increase in revenues. Incremental revenue raises are not mandatory!

BU - Paul Booker Testimonial Pix BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote Open We often made losses…but we’ve always been lucky to achieve industry average 2.5% net profits. Just five months after bringing my business through your process…our May net profit is 19% and June is 23%! My team and I have not done anything different except go through your brand creation process. We just gave ourselves fully to the process and somehow, I now have earnings 8 to 9 times industry average!! WOW!! THANK YOU BOTH!! BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote

Paul Booker, Oops! Car Repair, Dorset, United Kingdom

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI doubled my sales, and made all my money back in 90 days, after developing my brand using the BrandU process. My customers were able to connect, feel comfortable and order my CDs and eBooks with ease and trust. The process was a home run for my business!”

Ari Galper, Unlock The Game, Sydney, Austrialia

BU - Ari Galper Testimonial

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenAfter going through the BrandU process, we had our best income year ever in our business. We were able to buy and move to our dream home way ahead of schedule!”

Ann and Jim Scarborough, Coldwell Banker, Santa Barbara, CA

BU - Scarborough Testimonial

Now, we’ll be the first to admit the individuals above are extraordinary. The results listed are surely NOT AVERAGE for anyone starting a new brand. But honestly, because this process works so thoroughly, we receive success stories like this more times than not. We often wonder if we should share the success stories that our members send us for fear that people won’t believe us. But they are TRUE, so we share them with you. Not to impress you but to impress UPON YOU what is really possible with extreme clarity.

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BU - woman_cash_case.jpgNew to your own business? There’s still the possibility for significant income increases.

Even if you’re new to owning your own business, or if you’re considering starting one today, it’s not unusual to be able to generate income increases quickly.

What would even a few new services (like $3,000 to $10,000 a month) be worth to you? Or what would one new well-designed, profitable product be worth to you? Let’s say you were able to sell just 500 new products in the next year that you charge just $1,000 for. That’s $50,000 right there in your bank account. If you sell just 500 more you’re looking at one million dollars.

No matter your level of experience, we want you to see the amazing potential here. There’s a reason why everyone is jumping on the brand bandwagon. Now, developing a brand surely takes WORK to develop, communicate, and run. But it’s not necessarily difficult to do.


And we back it up…

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Frankly, we don’t know how much more we can demonstrate just how much we are committed to you and to helping you to grow your business up once and for all. We are dedicated to helping you turn your ideas into a brand that will make you all the money you’ve ever dreamed while giving you all the joy you can imagine. You’ll be investing your valuable time and a small financial allowance, but what you discover and gain will change the way you do business forever.

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A brand that speaks for itself is priceless.BU - Day with Kim and Vito - Isabell Lessard
As we mentioned, we are typically paid $75K – $250K to develop brands for our clients. Members, entrepreneurs and small business owners who are just starting out who want to work with us privately on the phone through the exact same process pay $10K.

To work with us in person you would pay $5K for our 4-day intensive or $20K for our VIP 2-day, to go through the EXACT SAME process that’s in this program. Across the board our members tell us they would have gladly paid triple for what they walk away with from the process.

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenWith what you taught me in Brand Power and what I walk away with, I would gladly have paid $750,000.”

Amirah Hall, San Diego, CA,

BU - Amirah Hall

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI must confess. I was very skeptical at first based on the promise and the extremely low cost. You truly exceeded my expectations. You’re both unlike any other. Now knowing what changed in me and my business, I would have gladly paid $16,000!”

Will Patton, Motion Marketing, San Jose, CA

Self CLIC Promotion - Will

And here’s why…

Most business training programs do a great job of teaching you the what and the why, and there are plenty to choose from. But what you’ll learn in Brand Power™ is how to create a reliably profitable brand with your idea or existing business—whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you’ve been in business for just a few years, or are just putting out your shingle. We can show someone at any business level, no matter what kind of industry, how to increase their income significantly.

What is that knowledge and experience worth to you? Well, if you implement what you learn and do it right, just one well-branded product could net you well into six figures or more. Even if you only sell 500 copies of a program for $1,000 you’ve netted $500,000. Sell 1,000 and that’s one million dollars right there. That’s just for just one product! This is just scratching the surface of what your new brand, when done right, can earn for you.

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So what is all this worth to you?

We have ONE goal for you with Brand Power™:
We want to help you take your income FARTHER than you’ve ever taken it before.

As an BrandU® member, you’ll get the clear steps, the support, and the guidance you need to follow through and finally grow your business as a real brand.

Let’s review everything this unique program offers:

  • Easy to use online course, you can do anywhere, anytime, on any device*
  • 12+ hours of Guided Audios for ‘sleuth learning’*
    Fourteen (14) Virtual Classroom Online Videos

*Note that Brand Power Self-Guided is a VIRTUAL online training program. As a member, you’ll be able to immediately download digital copies of your audios, workbook, lesson guide, worksheets, and have instant access to the training videos. And, for an entire YEAR, you’ll get the support and guidance you need to move your business forward.

Even more…Brand Power® is now available COMPLETELY ONLINE with instant access. This means no more shipping costs and no more waiting for the program to arrive in the mail. Now, you can get started on your brand in a matter of minutes.

BU - point2yes - BP sales pageThe good news is that you can secure your copy of Brand Power for less than you would pay for an average logo. Really!

That’s right.

We’re tired of seeing hardworking entrepreneurs like you spend your hard-earned money on programs that can never affect your business and your life in the long run. We’re pained by seeing you squander your energy and your precious time following someone else’s idea of a plan instead of creating your own—one that is uniquely based on you: your knowledge, your passion, your experience.

Frankly, we don’t want money to stand in the way of you once and for all creating the business you were born to create—one that you can rely on for life. We STRONGLY believe that the process you’ll experience will change your life if you put it into action. You can immediately start using the knowledge you learn from Brand Power™ to generate income that—if implemented properly—should easily WELL more than pay for the cost of this program.

Over the past 10 years, this Brand Power self-guided program sold for as much as $2,500.00. This helped fund the development of the program while that small business owners could accomplish the development of their brand on their own.

Today, the program has been perfected and you benefit from the thousands of entrepreneurs who have developed their brand with Brand Power. Now, you get the entire Brand Power program and support for just $997.

And if resources are a bit tight at the moment, you can even make payments. See details below.

Now you can’t use the excuse the money’s in the way of owning your power as a brand.

With this kind of support over the entire year, your Brand Power program will likely pay for itself with just one new client or a few new sales of your product. With such a low price, how can you afford not to take advantage of this timely opportunity?

For less than the cost of a few local college courses, you’ll have a complete program and guided support for an entire yearto help you brand your business… and secure your income!

It’s time to turn that “ache” into the joy of profitable full expression.

So, Are You Ready to to Own
YOUR Brand Power?Just click on your preferred secure order button below, and get INSTANT ACCESS to your Brand Power member materials right away!

BU - Brand Power Self Study - 1 Pay Button ($997) BU - BRand POwer Self Study 3 Pay Button ($397)

BU - Updated Credit Card Icons with drop shadow



Why put off your brand success any longer? What’s just ONE new brand-worthy product or service worth to you?

To fulfilling your independence™

E-zine: Kims Signature - first name - orangeBU - Vito signature - first name - orange
P.S. Click here for Frequently asked questions.
P.P.S. If you would like to learn more about Brand Power, our team is here for you. Please contact 800-457-9713 EXT. 202 or contact online at  

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI consider myself a marketing expert and really wasn’t sure if this was a good use of my time. BrandU more than surpassed my expectations. I walked away with specific tools I’m going to use immediately.”

Adam Urbanski, Marketing Mentors, Irvine, CA

BU - Testimonial Adam Urbanski

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenI had no idea when I decided to dive into a branding program that I would learn so much about what I wanted to do in the world. I knew on a certain level…but not to the degree that this process allows and encourages you to go through. I really appreciate the focus. What I thought I wanted to do was fuzzy. And now it’s pin-point laser sharp. It’s because of the way you have your program laid out and the guidance you give us. I’m so excited. Thank you very much.”

Kara Oh, Dating Success Technology, Santa Barbara CA

BU - Kara Oh Testimonial Picture

BU - Brand Power Sales Testimonial Call Out Quote OpenBrandU should be required education for businesses and entrepreneurs. I gained more clarity in one day than I’ve gotten in any other course.”

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy

BU - Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero Testimonial
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average attendee/purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.